
Showing posts from August, 2019

Big, Little, and a Lot In Between

So I was asked recently, is that horse a baby? Is a baby horse a pony? This question immediately makes the innate horse lover cringe! But alas, I will walk you through this without the eye rolling :) Ok here's the deal horses are measured in hands (1 hand = 4 inches) it's an oldie time thing, so don't stress over it, just accept it. To measure a horse you use a stick - they make specific devices for this, but you could use a yard stick (if anyone still has one of those around) or a tape measure, do some math and poof you'd know how tall in horse speak your horse actually is. So where do you measure a horse. Well like other four legged critters you measure from the shoulders to the ground. In horse speak you're getting the height at the withers. So why is this important in discussing ponies vs horses vs baby horses. Well ponies have their own breeds, but a lot of their classification revolves around height and we are keeping this simple. So here are so...

Initial Safety Tips for People New to Horses

Oh the rules of the horse, so many things to remember and so many things to take for granted. I have introduced many people to Pistol in our first year together (yes it has officially been one year!) and in that process I became aware of some things I just take for granted.  I assumed there were some common knowledge things, that simply are not common. So in an effort to be more aware of all the things I need to tell a 'new to horses' person, here is a short list of safety tips - the real list is so long that it cannot be written, so just roll with this as a starter Pistol July 2019 - Just Chillin in his New Halter 1. Meeting the horse - Pistol makes it look easy because he is kind and self confident, he has no issues with strangers walking right up into his personal space and touching his face. He is not the norm.  Most (non lesson program) horses do not want you to invade their bubble to rub their nose.  It is safer to approach from an angle, try to ...