
Showing posts from May, 2020

Things Change, Things Don't

For over two years now, my life has been marked by the passing of Thursdays. Every Thursday was sacred, it was ride day, the day of the week that I was guaranteed time to indulge in my deep desire for horse time. When you find something that is meaningful and sort of sets the tone for your whole reason for being, you want to make time for it. Even if that something is not bringing Earth shattering progress to mankind, or even profit to your own home. There are just things in life that bring us peace, harmony and balance. I am wise enough and aware enough to know that those things are fleeting, special, and not to be missed. So Thursdays were my holy ground, my time out from time itself, and now... Well, humanity has been shifted on its axis. The world is still spinning, the planet is still thriving, but we are hiding like rats. Which in all respects should humble us, should enlighten us, but I don't know that it will. We have faced many moments of possible collapse in our ill...