
Showing posts from May, 2019

20 signs that you might be Horse Crazy

You might be horse crazy if: If you stare at pretty pictures of pretty ponies all the time If your Pinterest feed automatically populates with horse pics If you know the closest tack shop, feed shop and vet to wherever you are in your city If you can talk about the size of a horse's butt without giggling If you misread things with horse context If your phone is full of pics of your horse, your dog, other people's horses, horses you want, horses you think are pretty and like 3 photos of yourself If your first thought each day is the forecast and if it says rain you immediately think mud If you are always interested in buying buckets, brushes, treats and every little thing that you probably already have 8 of If your YouTube history is full of instructional videos on bits, collection, flexion and lead changes If you see a single horse in a pasture and immediately feel sad for it and wonder where it's goat/donkey/horse friend is, because what kind of monster woul...

10 Tips for Trail and Pleasure Rides

To ride is not to sit on a horse and grin like an idiot - I mean, yeah that happens, but it's not the whole story. Horseback riding is a sport that can appeal to a wide range of people and that has been a long standing part of American culture.   You may not get to ride all the time, but hopefully you get the chance on a vacation to go for a trail ride. Below are a few tips to help you have a comfortable and safe trail ride (Western Saddle perspective): 1. Have a soft hand with the reins, hold with enough grip to send signals, but not enough to cause undue pressure and unwanted responses. Don't forget that your hands are holding a line that goes into the horses mouth, that when you move your hands you are putting pressure on lips, tongue, cheeks, roof of mouth and neck. So be gentle, firm and clear in your signals. 2. Keep you back straight, but not too straight and not hollowed out. Your hips rocked under, your core engaged, but not too tight. Relax at the sa...