It's frisky horse season! Tips to make the transition smoother.

It's been a minute, but I'm back!

So what's this frisky horse business??

Well the weather has changed, or in the midwest, it has begun the continual change that leads to unbearably frigid for months on end :)

Horses like the cool weather, and who can blame them! They run hotter than we do so for them it's delightful, brisk and invigorating! So as we begin to take stock of gloves, fleece pullovers, vests and wool socks, our horses are prancing about restless for some fun.

For those who are new to this whole phenomenon, here are the things you need to know to survive all their excitement:

1. Stay calm - horses get frisky, they spook, they prance, they flinch, they get goofy - your job is to remain level headed and in control, decide what you will tolerate and what you will not and go from there. It's different for every horse/rider pair, so don't worry what your riding friends are doing, worry about you and your mount. Me for instance, I let Pistol 'have his head', meaning, he gets antsy and wants to move, so I give him a few minutes to do just that, I don't direct, don't correct, don't steer, I give him a few minutes to just do his thing and what do you know - he calms down right after. So 2 minutes of uncontrolled trotting and poof he settles into what I need him to do. However, when I ignore his signals of wanting to move out then we are in a battle the whole ride! Now would I let just any horse do that? Hell to the No! I don't trust all of them like that, but I do trust Pistol and we have worked hard together to build our communication. I have zero doubt that if something happened during those 2 minutes that required him to pay attention to me, that I could regain that in a heart beat.

2. Know your horse and know yourself - you have to know the energy of both of you, are you jazzed up, are you excited for the upcoming bonfire, Chiefs game, apple picking fest or whatever? Is your horse acting normal or does he have extra energy? Not sure how to tell? If you can't determine the energy level of yourself or your ride that day, then ALWAYS play it safe and be cautious.  Until you develop a keen understanding of what you each need in the moment then you have to be on guard to stay safe and make it a productive ride.

3. Be weather prepared - it's no fun to have to cut your ride short because your teeth are chattering as the sun starts to set. Remember there are only a few weeks left of outside riding time before it's just not reasonable, so enjoy every minute of it that you can and bring the right clothes to the barn (my pro tip is to keep an extra of everything in my car or in the tack room, jacket/gloves/etc).
Also pay attention to your horse, is he maintaining weight, is his fur fluffing out, is he eating ok, is he extra hungry? Make sure you feed your guy enough calories so he can pack on the winter weight and get himself ready to be cozy when the weather shifts to 'hell in a hand basket' levels.

4. Have Fun! - in my opinion this is the best time of year to ride, your aren't poring sweat, you don't have to worry about heat or cold stress on your horse, and you're legs aren't going numb in the saddle yet (I have high expectations, don't I?)
Even if your ride isn't going that great, because Captain Prancey Pants isn't really listening, don't fret, do your best, relax, enjoy the ride! Your horse is having a great time (hence the barely paying attention thing) so take a hint and just be happy (and safe).
