15 Weird Things Horse People Do

Understanding the horse person can be very challenging.

We do lots of weird things.

1. We hug our horses, for no apparent reason

2. We drive half an hour in the rain, sloshing in the mud to just stand next to our horse while they eat grain

3. We get up super early on our day off to spend 4 hours at the barn, to ride for 45 minutes

4. We will stay in the saddle long past the point of having any feeling in our toes

5. We will willing stain/rip/destroy any piece of clothing as long as it meant we got to spend time with our horse

6. We will gladly spend all our holiday money on grain and supplements

7. Our wishlists are full of tack we probably don't need, but we sure do want to try out

8. Our goals and resolutions are full of horse things like
  • get the left lead
  • learn to smoothly change directions on the lunge line
  • figure out how to wear stirrups without tripping
  • master the no stirrup post
9. We text our stable friends just to say we saw their horse today 

10. We schedule our entire lives around horse time

11. We curse droughts but pray for sunny days at the same time

12. We cheer for the first flakes of snow and then grumble endlessly about the mud that follows

13. We fret constantly over every new article that tells us there is something we should do for our horse that we haven't even thought of yet.

14. We treat the birth of a foal the same as we would the arrival of a new human baby

15. We talk about butts a lot - horse butts that is
