Antsy Pantsy
My horse people will totally get this, the rest of you will think I'm a crazy nutbar! Today is Tuesday, I saw my horse on Saturday and I will see him tomorrow and all I freakin want to do is go to the barn!!! Saturday to Wednesday is soooooooo long!!!! I love spending time out there! I love hanging with my horse! I love seeing my barn friends, seeing the other horses, sneaking treats to all my favs and I love riding!! When I'm not at the barn, I'm thinking about the barn. I think about all the things my horse and I need to work on, I look forward to all the silly things he will do when I see him, I look forward to hearing him nicker, to giving him treats, to conquering new skills, there is just so much always going on! The funny part is my barn friends are also doing the same thing, we are all pining away for our ponies while we toil away at our adult lives. I have to say of all the social groups I have been in, of all the friend circles I have encountered, I h...