In a Perfect World
In one slice of a perfect world, it would be true that all horse and rider combos are compatible and that there is a flow between them that takes no work. This is not that slice. In reality, horses are headstrong, opinionated, trained and expressive. Meaning, they have a mind of their own, a way of doing things that they are comfortable with and no idea why all of a sudden you think you're in charge. Personally one of the most daunting relationships I have ever had to build is the one with my horse. There is an insane amount of trust that has to be established, a huge dose of bravery you have to muster and a whole lot of vulnerability on both sides. I wish I had a one size fits all for how to become friends with a horse, but that isn't even possible. I also wish I could tell you that you can be friends with any horse you want, but that too, would be a lie. Your horse is your dance partner, you both know half the steps and you have to come together to make a whole imag...