I'm no Expert

I most definitely am not an expert!
So why listen to me?
Why be regaled with my stories of misadventures, confusing realizations and painful learning?
Because, I'm like you, or like someone you know (likely for whom you are paying horse bills).

Here are some truths about me and why maybe what I type has some meaning for you,

I am a horse person, I have a genetic pre-disposition that once unleashed can never be contained. I think about horses more than I think about anything. LITERALLY! I think about food less than horses, for real. When someone is referred to as 'easily distracted by horses' that is me, in fact I'm not even distracted by them, I don't stop thinking about them long enough to pay attention elsewhere.
Sorry to everyone who loves me, works with me, talks to me - what you are saying and the conversation we are having is constantly running over the inner horse monologue I am having.
It's not that you aren't important or that what we discuss doesn't matter, it's that my brain is constantly trying to understand this thing that I am totally in love with.

I spend more time watching videos, reading articles and pouring over pictures of horse related things than literally anything else. My (non work) web history mostly looks like this:
10% relevant home/life needs - shopping, research, scheduling services
5% random stuff that the internet throws at me that I get momentarily fascinated by
10% cat videos - I know who to pay homage to
5% social media updates
70% HORSES - videos on different bits, sites about new products, advertisements for different breeds, following rescue groups, following mustang groups, videos on collection/hoof trimming/tacking/washing - it goes on for literally forever

Still yet, I know 8% of nothing.

Why is that? It is not my ability to obtain information, it is not my dedication for acquiring the information, it's miles.

Here is the thing about horses that is so different from every other aspect of my life (possibly yours as well) - you can't brain power your way through it.

Every single challenge I have been presented with in life, before now, required my brain to solve the problem. My brain to understand a new skill, new concept, to unravel some new emotion, to do all the brainy things that it can - and that list is impressive, it is a very powerful tool!
Horses don't give two poots about my brain.
I am pretty sure almost every horse I will ever meet will think, 'bless her heart' (fueled with sarcasm).
If it's a mare, she'd be all, 'let me show you where you can put those brains of yours'.
Hence my present decision to spend most of my time with geldings!
Fairly positive a mare would eat me alive!

**a side note of personal, biased, generalized opinion: I think mares are a little like cats, still partially wild at heart, and as such they require us to have advanced communication skills.

So I said it takes miles to learn horses. It does!! All the study in the world won't make up for the time spent. Now, the study is excellent, gives you a base, gives your brain a little something to lick and chew on. It does not help in the moment, except on occasion, to enlighten you as to what exactly you did wrong after the fact!

This will not stop me from researching and self study, I have to have some outlet for my obsession. Some way to calm the need for MORE HORSE in my head that is in constant 'on' mode.

I know though, that whatever knowledge I think I have is nothing compared to what I will have. Whatever skills I barely have mastered are nothing to where I will be later. There are so many miles yet to go. So many fears yet to conquer and so many more horse eye rolls yet to be earned. 

I applaud anyone willing to jump in, both feet right to the fire, to grab any horse by the reins and say 'let's do this!', to choose a horse with more vigor than they themselves possess and to come out alive! I am not that person. I need a horse that is patient, mellow and forgiving. I am a fool in boots and I need a horse that will teach me what it is to be a human worthy of their commitment.

So I will continue to write my observations, my experiences, my two cents worth and hope that it helps somewhere, because I'm just like you. Clueless, fumbling and trying my damn heart out to understand what the hell I am supposed to be doing.

Here's to trying to have only scheduled dismounts, a future world where colic is not life threatening (ok a fantasy future, but a girl can dream) and to a constant state of learning - where we strive to be better, to treat all creatures with respect, where we remember to be humble, where we embrace the suck, where we come from a place of understanding and where we end in a place of love.

Love this guy so much!
