
Things Change, Things Don't

For over two years now, my life has been marked by the passing of Thursdays. Every Thursday was sacred, it was ride day, the day of the week that I was guaranteed time to indulge in my deep desire for horse time. When you find something that is meaningful and sort of sets the tone for your whole reason for being, you want to make time for it. Even if that something is not bringing Earth shattering progress to mankind, or even profit to your own home. There are just things in life that bring us peace, harmony and balance. I am wise enough and aware enough to know that those things are fleeting, special, and not to be missed. So Thursdays were my holy ground, my time out from time itself, and now... Well, humanity has been shifted on its axis. The world is still spinning, the planet is still thriving, but we are hiding like rats. Which in all respects should humble us, should enlighten us, but I don't know that it will. We have faced many moments of possible collapse in our ill...

Crazy Days Indeed

We are in some insane times, to be sure. So it is a great moment for us to reflect on what matters, what we're grateful for, and most importantly what we want our future to be. When it comes to the equine portion of my life these things are abundantly clear. What matters: Having the privilege of being a horse owner Knowing that my horse is safe, fed, sound and checked on Being able to rely on providers when my horse has an urgent need What I'm grateful for: Having a barn owner that thinks things through, and works to make all parties involved safe and comfortable A barn staff that is dedicated to taking care of everything, even when the world is falling apart Having a barn community that pitches in to take care of each other and who respects each others comfort zones during this time of uncertainty What I want in the future: To continue my horsemanship journey with this fine group of people that I have met through my barn To someday have my own 'p...

I'm no Expert

I most definitely am not an expert! So why listen to me? Why be regaled with my stories of misadventures, confusing realizations and painful learning? Because, I'm like you, or like someone you know (likely for whom you are paying horse bills). Here are some truths about me and why maybe what I type has some meaning for you, I am a horse person, I have a genetic pre-disposition that once unleashed can never be contained. I think about horses more than I think about anything. LITERALLY! I think about food less than horses, for real. When someone is referred to as 'easily distracted by horses' that is me, in fact I'm not even distracted by them, I don't stop thinking about them long enough to pay attention elsewhere. Sorry to everyone who loves me, works with me, talks to me - what you are saying and the conversation we are having is constantly running over the inner horse monologue I am having. It's not that you aren't important or that what we discu...

In a Perfect World

In one slice of a perfect world, it would be true that all horse and rider combos are compatible and that there is a flow between them that takes no work. This is not that slice. In reality, horses are headstrong, opinionated, trained and expressive. Meaning, they have a mind of their own, a way of doing things that they are comfortable with and no idea why all of a sudden you think you're in charge. Personally one of the most daunting relationships I have ever had to build is the one with my horse. There is an insane amount of trust that has to be established, a huge dose of bravery you have to muster and a whole lot of vulnerability on both sides. I wish I had a one size fits all for how to become friends with a horse, but that isn't even possible. I also wish I could tell you that you can be friends with any horse you want, but that too, would be a lie. Your horse is your dance partner, you both know half the steps and you have to come together to make a whole imag...

All about the horse

As horse people, we focus a lot on the people part of that. We talk about all the amazing things that horses bring to us, how they enrich us, how they ground us and make us better. However,  I want to highlight that our interactions with horses is also and more importantly about them. You need to make time to focus on what is good for your horse, what will make their life better, what can you improve about you to be better for them. This is a PARTNERSHIP and a RESPONSIBILITY. Having a horse is a LONG TERM commitment, it is not a puppy a for Christmas that you have to 'deal with' for a decade and move on. Horses live a LONG time and require special things to make their lives positive and whole. I get asked a lot - Isn't having a horse expensive? How can you have a horse on the cheap? Yes it's expensive and you can't do it cheaply. It is either expensive or very expensive. With that said I will tell you that it is still always less expensive than I feared and n...

Antsy Pantsy

My horse people will totally get this, the rest of you will think I'm a crazy nutbar! Today is Tuesday, I saw my horse on Saturday and I will see him tomorrow and all I freakin want to do is go to the barn!!! Saturday to Wednesday is soooooooo long!!!! I love spending time out there! I love hanging with my horse! I love seeing my barn friends, seeing the other horses, sneaking treats to all my favs and I love riding!! When I'm not at the barn, I'm thinking about the barn. I think about all the things my horse and I need to work on, I look forward to all the silly things he will do when I see him, I look forward to hearing him nicker, to giving him treats, to conquering new skills, there is just so much always going on! The funny part is my barn friends are also doing the same thing, we are all pining away for our ponies while we toil away at our adult lives. I have to say of all the social groups I have been in, of all the friend circles I have encountered, I h...

That's what the horse said....

I don't know if it's the weather or what but communication has been spotty this week, at best. I think I have raised an eyebrow at least a dozen times this week when someone asked a question I already answered in the email they just responded to, but also seems to have bled over to horsey time. Don't you hate when adulting follows you around like a dryer sheet stuck in your sigh.... So Pistol was 100% a Pistol this week. He was throwing around Mustang, I'm gonna F You Up Postures to his pasture mates and then 10 seconds later making huge detours to avoid the actual bully in the pen. He was trying to walk off when I was getting in the saddle (his usual trick is to take a big step backwards, so going forward instead is new and equally annoying), he was pretending he was steering the ship and that he got to do what he wanted, go the speed he wanted and eat when he wanted - all of this is a lie and he knows better. Then when I told him politely 'No'...